Showing 37–48 of 450 results

ID868: Kishu Shimpaku by Master Masahiko Kimura (Master Class)

Master Class

Tree height : 56cm

Tree width :60cm

est age : over 100 yrs old

This Bonsai tree crafted by Master Masahiko Kimura, He is one of the world’s most famous Bonsai masters recognized by society around the world. His skill and experience since he started Bonsai as prior to his 17th yrs old. He has won tremendous awards for his amazing Bonsai technique and creations.

Tree has amazing look of deadwood (Jin and Shari) , slanted style with dark green Kishu Shimpaku natural color.


ID866: Shimpaku 40yrs old (slanted style)

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ID858:Shimpaku forest style

Twin trunk style has always been attractive to people around it. An art form of 2 main trunk displays primary and secondary tree with the same natural movement. Tree was acquired as material in Japan and crafted into an art bonsai form by our gallery. The slap (tray pot) is the natural sandstone has been in our store for a while, it was waiting to match this tree at the first look of my design.

Tree Height : cm

Tree width : cm

est Age : 25 yrs old