Bonsai ID577 : บอนไซสน Itoigawa Shimpaku

🌳🌳Itoigawa Shimpaku 🌳🌳 (อิโตอิกาว่า ชิมปากุ)

Growing in a rock Bonsai style (Ishisuki)

In this style the roots of the tree are growing in the cracks and holes of the rock. This means that there is not much room for the roots to develop and absorb nutrients. Trees growing in rocks will never look really healthy, thus it should be visible that the tree has to struggle to survive. It is important to fertilize and water often, because there is not much space available to store water and nutrients. The rock in which the Bonsai grows is often placed in a shallow pot, which is sometimes filled with water or fine gravel.

บอนไซ ID726: Shimpaku


Slanting style, 40 yrs old

Tree height: cm.
Width:  cm.


บอนไซ ID728: Itoigawa Shimpaku

informal upright style, over 40 yrs old



บอนไซ ID729: Tsuyama Hinoki

Forest Style over 40 yrs old on the rafted Japanese Pot

Forest height 77cm

width 80 cm


บอนไซ ID730: Itoigawa Shimpaku

slanting style, over 40 yrs old

Tree height 35cm (จากโคนถึงยอด)​

Body width 10cm



บอนไซ ID731: Tsuyama Hinoki – formal upright

Formal upright style

est. age : 35 years old

Tree height 90cm, width 45cm , Base 3 inches



บอนไซ ID734: Itoigawa Shimpaku


Tree height 30cm, width 36 cm

est.age 25-30 years old


บอนไซ ID737: Sekka Hinoki – forest style (7 tree)

est. age : 35 years old

Tree height 90cm, width 50cm ,



บอนไซ ID740: Itoigawa Shimpaku Rock planting style

Tree height 45cm, width 70 cm

est.age 30-40 years old


บอนไซ ID741: Itoigawa Shimpaku


Tree height cm, width cm

est.age 60 years old


บอนไซ ID742: Shimpaku – Informal upright

Itoigawa Shimpaku Yamadori –

Informal upright style

High quality Bonsai

บอนไซ ID746: Kishu Shimpaku- Slanted style

Master Class Bonsai by Kenji Oshima

Tree height 77 cm. widht 70cm, Body size 3.2inch

est. age 70 years old

บอนไซ ID748: Shimpaku- Slanted style


Tree height 58 cm. width 55cm, est. age 50-60 years old

บอนไซ ID749: Shimpaku- Bunjin Style

Tree height 33 cm. width 30cm, est. age 20 years old

บอนไซ ID751: Itoigawa Shimpaku

Tree height 57 cm. width 47cm, Body size 2.5inch

est. age 40 years old

บอนไซ ID752: Shimpaku-Multitrunk style

Tree height 44 cm. width 46cm, est. age 25-30 years old