Tree ID 140 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku 30 years old with Shari along the tree body proven the tough time the tree has been trough the hard nature.

Tree Height 33 cm

Imported from Japan

Tree ID 143 : Itoigawa shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku.

Age 40 years old

Tree height 36cm and 33 cm witdh

Tree ID 148 : Sekka Hinoki

Sekka Hinoki  60 years old

Large size for Sekka species

Tree Height 53cm, 54cm width

Tree ID 149 : Japanese Blackpine

A 40 yearsold old Japanese blackpine wonderful price for home and garden decoration

Tree ID 150 : Sonare

Juniper Procumbens (Sonare) 40 years old big body tree with a fine pot. Informal upright styles

Tree ID 155 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku

Age 45 years old

Tree Height 38 cm

Imported from Japan

Tree ID 153 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku

Age 25 years old

Tree Height 36 cm (medium size)

Imported from Japan

Tree ID 159 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku

Age 45 years old

Imported from Japan

Tree ID 160 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku

Age 35 years old

Tree Height 33 cm (medium size)

Imported from Japan

Tree ID 195 : Tsuyama (Hinoki) Cypress

First Class Quality Bonsai with Slanted Style. Special structure created together by Nature and human. The wonderful natural art from Kansai region

80 years old  Imported from Japan.

Tree ID 202 : Japanese Blackpine

Ancient Black pine tree with stunning thick body indicates of long age through a touch nature. Rough skin shows hardness of the tree while curving body show unique tree charactor.

Tree ID 207 : Tsuyama Hinoki

40-year old Tsuyama Hinoki tree. Originated in Kansai region of Japan; groomed and crafted to Bonsai perfection in Thailand. Formal shape.

Height 50cm

Age 40 years old

Tree ID 208 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

120 years old Blackpine from Japan.  An old bonsai tree with wonderful bark with solid body. It is the First class quality Bonsai Tree in our gallery with the base size more than 1 foot. Height 55cm.

Tree ID 210 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Shimpaku Itoigawa with informal upright style. Large size with natural deadwood. Thin pot provide good tall tree creation.

Tree Height : cm

Age : 40 years old

Tree ID 211 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Japanese Black Pine 45 yeasrs old tree, Informal upright style.

Tree ID 214 : Sekka Hinoki

“The Hobbit” perfect definition for a 60 years old Sekka Hinoki tree with perfect bloom style. Take a generation for creation

Tree ID 215 : Japanese Blackpine

Japanese Blackpine 70 years old

Formal upright Style

Tree Height 83 cm

imported from Japan