Showing 1–36 of 633 results


บอนไซ 632: สน Hinoki


Estimated age : 25 years old

Tree height 40 cm  (excluding pot)

Width 55 cm.

Code 035 : Japanese Apple

Details Age : Height :
Fruit Bonsai 12 years old 33cm

Bonsai Book – Matthew punigam


หนังสือบอนไซแบบอ่านสบาย มีแนะนำชนิดบอนไซทั้งในร่มและกลางแจ้ง พื้นฐานของการดูแลบอนไซ

บอนไซ ID900: Kishu​ Shumpaku, Rock planting style

Special rock planting style with real stone collected from mountain. True natural texture of the aging stone provide unique appearance for appreciation

บอนไซ ID879: Itoigawa Shimpaku 70 yrs – Semi cascade in Halfmoon stone pot

The cascading-style Bonsai, acquired Kokufu Festival in Tokyo, is undoubtedly a unique and special addition to any collection. The cascading style, known for its dramatic and elegant downward growth, often portrays a sense of natural beauty and tranquility.