Showing 1–12 of 19 results


บอนไซ ID900: Kishu​ Shumpaku, Rock planting style

Special rock planting style with real stone collected from mountain. True natural texture of the aging stone provide unique appearance for appreciation

ID876: บอนไซโมก 40 yrs old Broom Style


Height 7+37cm , Width 50cm  ขนาดโคนกว่า 15cm ออกดอกสีขาวมีกลิ่นหอม

ID872: Itoigawa Shimpaku – Semi cascade (Master class)

Master Class 

Tree height :16+32 cm/ width: 50 cm
est age : over 70 yrs old

This top quality tree was originally cultivated by Master Koji Hiramatsu, Takamatsu, Japan. Then it was in the display at the top of the stand in Taikan-ten exhibition, Kyoto in 2022. Since then it has been well cared and transformed deep in sectional details by our gallery master. Each of branches and foliage mass have been grouped and matured into the perfect cascaded bonsai