Showing 73–108 of 452 results

Tree ID 201 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

The mother of Dragons has now arrived to our gallerym a 60 years old with twin trunks style with natural created shari along the tree vain bring a unique Bonsai charactor to this tree. A highly apprecation and honor of our gallery

Tree ID 209 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku on the rock created natural mountain landscape. An old tree grows under care and protection by the cliffs.

Tree ID 210 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Shimpaku Itoigawa with informal upright style. Large size with natural deadwood. Thin pot provide good tall tree creation.

Tree Height : cm

Age : 40 years old

Tree ID 212 : Shimpaku

Combination between windswept with on the rock styles created a unique character for this bonsai tree. Imported from Japan

Tree ID 213 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

A wonder curving shape of Itoigawa Shimpaku, Quality material

Tree ID 227 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku “the crescent” represents the Moon with a curving shari along the tree body. A fine art created by Nature.

60 years old


Tree ID 234 : Shimpaku

Multi trunk Shimpaku Bonsai large size with 60 years old imported from Japan

Tree ID 286 : Shimpaku

A shohin size shimpaku
25 years old
Tree height 20cm

Tree ID 289 : Shimpaku

A shimpaku with curving Shari
50 years old
Tree height 46cm

Itoigawa Shimpaku Master Kimura’s bonsai

Tree ID 305 : Mastery Bonsai

ต้นสนบอนไซ Itoigawa Shimpaku จาก อ.คิมุระ ศิลปินบอนไซระดับโลก ต้นนี้มีคงามอ่อนช้อยในทรวดทรงและลีลาของ Yamadori แท้ๆ ผ่านการเลี้ยงดูมาอย่างยาวนาน

Tree ID 307 : Shimpaku

Tree name : Itoigawa Shimpaku
Windswept style
Age : 15 years old