Tree ID 224 : Tosho

Tosho is another kind of speacial Japanese Bonsai tree with unique leaf character. The formal upright style is famous as conventional bonsai style.

Tree Age : 60 years old

Tree Height cm

Tree ID 225 : Tsuyama Hinoki

60-year old Tsuyama Hinoki tree. Originated in Kansai region of Japan; groomed and crafted to Bonsai perfection in Thailand.

Formal shape.

Height over 70cm with glazed pot

Age 60 years old

Tree ID 275 : Sekka Hinoki

Sekka Hinoki forest style

20 years old

Tree ID 273 : Tosho

100 years Tosho tree with unique deadwood implies long tree history which have been through a tough nature. needle leaves maintain Tosho special charactor differentiate from. Other species.

Tree ID 275 : Japanese Blackpine

Japanese Blackpine  imported from Japan

40 years old

Tree ID 317 : Japanese Blackpine

Japanese Black pine – Yamadori imported from Japan, more than 70 years old tree with unique bark charactor

Tree height : 60cm (excluding pot height)

Tree width : 70cm

Tree ID 358 : Shimpaku

Shimpaku  – imported from Shikoku, Japan, more than 40 years old tree

Slanted style

Tree height : 62cm (excluding pot height)

Tree width : 65cm

Tree ID 369 : Itoigawa Shimpaku

Shimpaku – imported from Japan, more than 50 years old tree with unique forest look character.

multi trunk Style

Tree height : 58cm (excluding pot height)

Tree width : 60 cm

Tree ID 374: Shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku – imported from Japan, more than 40 years old tree with unique semi cascade and jin character.
Semi cascade Style
Tree height : 35cm (excluding pot height)
Tree width : 47 cm

Tree ID 379: Tsuyama Hinoki (Cypress)

Hinoki Cypress – HInoki is a wellknown tree and long reputation in Japanese culture. commonly uses to build temple, Tori and many other unique place.

Bonsai imported from Ikeda, Japan,

more than 40 years old tree.
informal upright Style
Tree height : 40 cm (excluding pot height)
Tree width : 40 cm

Tree ID 380: Japanese Black Pine

Japanese Black pine – Nishiki imported from Shikoku, Japan, more than 20 years old tree with unique bark character
Tree height : 31cm (excluding pot height)
Tree width : 38cm

Tree ID 381 : Itoigawa shimpaku

Itoigawa Shimpaku.

Age 40 years old

Tree height 36cm and 33 cm witdh

Tree ID 383 : Shimpaku

Shimpaku – imported from Saitama, Japan, more than 60 years old tree with unique jin and shari character.
informal upright Style
Tree height : 56cm (excluding pot height)
Tree width : 56 cm